Finding Your Therapist Match: Decoded Magazine Spread



Magazine design as visual storytelling engages meaningful experiences and feelings within individuals through richly embedded images and graphics and strong typography.  Create the first 4 pages (two spreads) of a story on a How-To topic you choose.
Mental health has never been more important. This How-To feature magazine spread shares information on how to find mental health resources and therapists that are available to you. Mental health is such an important topic that should be embraced and discussed openly to fight the stigma against it. We all can use help and need help finding it. These spreads offer real steps to take in order to find a mental health provider for you.
I began with finding illustrative inspiration and a welcoming, friendly color palette. I researched successful magazine spread layouts to find what works well.
Next, I sketched out several layouts for the design. I wanted there to be a balance of information, statistics, and illustrations.
I hand-drew my illustrations in Procreate with the color palette I selected. The tone of these is inclusive, welcoming, friendly, and uplifting to decrease the stigma when we talk about mental health. This is a safe space. 
Next, I took my illustrations and layout sketches to digital sketches. This helped me get a better idea of information balance and flow.
My final design embodied the goal of my initial challenge. Bring the topic to the forefront and share that no one is alone in the journey of mental health. You are not alone. If you want to seek help, these are tangible steps that you can take to find a therapist.  
The irony of the project was that I did not have my own therapist when I began the project. By the end of my research, I realized that everyone can benefit from a professional mental health counselor. I advocated for myself and began my own search. 
Finding help starts here.

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